Paul Verlaine and my friend Carol...
One of my favorite French poets from the 19th Century was born on this day, 165 years ago. Paul Verlaine was born in Metz in 1844, and is best known for his 'symbolist' style of poetry and for his tumultuous relationship with Rimbaud. It was Verlaine and Rimbaud who added the 'rock and roll' element to my French lit studies, and without whom I may never have made it past Molière.
It's also my good friend Carol's birthday, and although our relationship doesn't include alot of the elements of Verlaine's and Rimbaud's (namely homosexuality, gun shots, prison or absinthe), she does continually inspire me and is always there to give me a swift kick when I need one. She is also an amazing photographer, somehow managing to capture poetry in all of the photos she takes.
So happy birthday to two people who have inspired me, and Carol, I think it's time for another trip to Paris soon!
I'm not a big fan of Verlaine myself, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your friend Carol =)
How sweet - THANK YOU!
Ahh, Paris...I dream of Paris...
Happy Birthday, Carol!
What an honor to be compared, even slightly, to Verlaine.
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