Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bread, bread, everywhere...

Ugh!!! You'd think after 8 years I would have learned by now.

Sunday morning, middle of August, 11.55 am, small village boulangerie.

Mme Boulangère: Bonjour Madame.

Moi: Bonjour. Trois baguettes, s'il vous plait.

Mme Boulangère: Vous les avez reservés?

Moi: Ah, non.....

Mme Boulangère: Je n'en ai plus.

Moi: (Looking around at all the still warm, crusty baguettes standing in their baskets.) Ah bon? D'accord...

Mme Boulangère: Il faut le reserver le dimanche matin pendant la saison, Madame.

Moi: Bon bah, merci. Au revoir.

Mme Boulangère: Merci Madame, et bon dimanche!

Now, what do I serve the ten people coming for dinner tonight who will expect crusty baguette with their tomme de savoie, bleu d'auvergne and brie de meaux?

Must remember to write a yellow post it note for next Sunday's bread......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did you end up serving, Rachelle? As long as there was some good wine flowing, right?