Friday, July 11, 2008

This is what we'll mostly be up to this weekend.....

Our neighboring village has a 5-day festival that starts tonight. Five days of outdoor meals, music, free wine, bouncy castles and merry go rounds. The 14th of July has overtaken the 4th for this American in France. Although I do miss the sparklers and parades.

Sunday our village is having a 'vide grenier', which basically is a village wide yard sale. Nothing like browsing around your neighbors junk to get to know them better!

The Duke's company bbq chez nous and then a birthday party for the little ladies to go to on Tuesday. I should be just about ready to go back to work on Wednesday.

Early morning swimming lessons finished today, so I'm looking forward to the next 7 weeks or so of not having to worry about being late for school, dance, music, swimming etc.

This is the silver lining of summer holidays with two small children, right?

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