Go on, speak a little French today...
Today is La Journée Internationale de la Francophonie, a day created in 1998 to celebrate the French language and to commemorate the achievements of francophones throughout history.
I'm just off to meet with some English clients, and then tonight I'm babysitting some English children, but who knows, I just might speak some French today myself...
Et bien, je ferai un petit effort! Merci d'avoir nous signaler!
And if there are any mistakes in that, it'll just show how much I need to make that effort...
Ca alors, je ne savais pas. Je ne croyais que la première journée de la Sidaction aujourd'hui.
Bon printemps!
Desole - mais en Englais! My first thought when I read this was that you said you would be speaking French....to yourself :) Some days are like that.
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