Saturday, April 19, 2008


It happens on almost a daily basis. I go in for the 3rd kiss and the recipient moves away after the 2nd. Or I'm the one to pull away after number 2 and the other kisser almosts falls on me as they lean in. Why is it that something so commonplace in France, kissing hello, is always so confusing? Even for the French.

I found this link which shows a map of the different departments of the country and how many kisses are the norm in that area. I quite like living in the 3 kiss zone, that is, if both kissers are aware of the fact......


Anonymous said...

that was a great YouTube video! my daughter loved it too. however, that website about bises was a little strange to me. i live in Haute-Corse and it said we do 5 bises which i have NEVER seen. we only do two, same thing in Corse-du-Sud which also said 5. i wonder if some people are just voting as a joke?

The Duchess said...

Five does sound a bit excessive! Imagine how long it would take to say hello to a group of friends!
It would be interesting to hear if others in other parts of the country think the poll is right. It's definitely 3 here in the Hérault.